Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thing #13 (The Del.icio.us Experience)

I think this is a great tool, and will have many applications in the classroom. I love the idea that my students can save the webpages they are on, and then their peers can look at those as well. It will cut the research work in half because they won't have to all find information and all visit the same pages. I can see that it will be especially useful in the classroom (as opposed to the lab) because kids from group A would not all have to research together. Kid 1 A could do some work, tag the pages, and then Kid 2 A could look at them and find some of his own. Or they could all be working at the same time, as a workstation, but not all be crowded around the same computer.

I'm sure that I can find many uses at home too. I am going to encourage my friends and family to sign up. It would be so much easier to just tag a page and let people view it on their own time. I think that magnolia is prettier, and may sign up to both for a while until I have a good feel for them.

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