Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thing #16 (The Wiki Experience)

First of all, how can I post on the sandbox. I signed in, but never saw an edit button or link. I only saw the add new space.

I can see a lot of use for wiki's in the classroom. I like the idea of having one that we can build on from year to year--in social studies kids could see information about their famous Texan and then be challenged to find more information to add. In math they could use it as a homework help--students could write how they understand concepts. In science we could have the students do some research on their own (for all of those questions there just isn't time to get to--like "Isn't plasma one of the phases of matter?") and add to the wiki.

I like the idea of planning for family parties and such. I was think Christmas and birthday presents for Lu. With 5 grandparents, 4 great-grandparents and all the rest of the family--I am bombarded with questions about what to get and then forget who is getting what. A wiki could keep us all from getting the same gift.

This will be fun to work with.


Unknown said...

I figured out the sandbox!

VWB said...

I am thinking about using a wiki for a similar family-type activity...we will have to see how it goes!