Friday, May 23, 2008

Thing #3

This was not an extremely difficult task, but reminded me why I spend so much time teaching my students how to follow directions. I skimmed through the instructions quickly, then had to reread a few times to get finished.

The best part was having my students help me create my avatar. They were excited of course, and that helped me get into the activity as well.

I wouldn't mind looking at other blogs, but feel it would be most useful to work with those also taking the class. How can I find those?


VWB said...

I tried sending this earlier, but it is not are an early bird to the game. There will be other blogs for you to folllow and look at, but it will be a few days before the new list of players shows up on the blogroll. In the meantime, visit the experiences of the graduates.

jb said...

Hey Krystal! I'm taking the class with you. Some t/th when the kids are both at school, you will have to bring your laptop over and we can work together! But you have to catch up with me first! Julie