Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thing #12 (The Posting Experience--a work in progress)

There are not a couple of things that stood out when I was reading the blogging etiquette articles/posts. What I kept thinking was, "for heavens sake, why don't people have any common sense?" If I am commenting as wonderweiss do I have the right to be rude or ugly? I think that people forget that they are people talking to people, even if they are not face to face. I did like reading about Darth Commentor. I am such a stickler for politeness though, perhaps everyone does not feel the same way.

I have commented on quite a few of the 23things blogs. Unfortunately, I have not yet started commenting on outside blogs. I was going to sign up for the TwilightMoms forum, but then found that they were a little too intense for me, and chickened out. I am going to read a book that was recommened on the Librarythings site, but haven't yet joined the discussion. Several other outside blogs I have signed up for I just haven't had a chance to really review. I have been reading for information, not really to form an opinion and share it. I will keep trying though!


Unknown said...

Here's an update: I posted on 2 blogs from LibraryThing today! I am still having trouble finding a nice, middle of the road blog to get involved with. Some of them are so silly and long, and others are so stuffy. I'll keep you updated though.

Anonymous said...

Weiss this is Tech101(Sperry), I do not find the blogging part of this class of any interest to me, please enlighten me if you have found any benefit to it.

Unknown said...

I really haven't gotten into the blogging either. The only blogs I really look at are those about education issues, and a couple of book groups from Library Thing and Shelfari. Maybe it is an acquired taste?

Grendel said...

Since I don't know any of you, I can only speculate why you might find blogging of no value. However, as I read through a lot of the blogs on Library2Play, I can see so much improvement in the bloggers' use of language, written expression, introspection, etc. I understand that it may not appeal to everyone, but it does have a place in this training! :)

Unknown said...

I did not mean to give the idea that I think that it is of no value. I just haven't gotten sucked in yet. I think it is great for people to have an outlet for their ideas, mine is just with friends over a frozen mango margarita!

I keep up with blogs on political issues (boy was it hard to find one dedicated to just giving the facts!) and on educational issues. I just don't comment back. I have no earth-shattering, brain-busting ideas that I think anyone would like to hear.

I have enjoyed blogging for this class, and will continue to blog for my students and parents in the fall. As a place to share information it is a great tool. It is when I read pages and pages of who is cuter--McCain or Obama that I want to turn the computer off. Not everyone needs to share the inner workings of their mind.

VWB said...

Blogging affords me the opportunity to learn things I would not otherwise have access to...from people I would NEVER have the opportunity to meet. My blogging community is world-wide!

I have learned about most of the "neat" things I can do on the web through blogging posts I read. Ther are no books on many of the subjects...or updated books anyway because new stuff comes out too fast!
Yes, it has taken me awhile to develop my procedures as to how I go about it...I read professional blogs for over 2 years before I started writing myself...
Commenting took a little longer because I wanted to be sure I had something to contribute...and even then, I started by asking clarifying qurstions.

The best analogy I can think of involves the phone ...when the phone was first invented many people thought "useless!"...and I can go one step further...I do not get the "love affair" many peole have with their cell phones!

It's all relative.... and involves choice...what one person values in the 2.0 world most likely will be different from what someone else does!

VWB said...
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